menutype ? strval( $params->menutype ) : $params->get( 'menutype' ); $menu = @$menu ? $menu: "mainmenu"; $id = @$params->moduleID ? intval( $params->moduleID ) : $params->get( 'moduleID' ); $id = @$id ? $id : 0; $menustyle = @$params->menustyle ? strval( $params->menustyle ) : $params->get( 'menustyle' ); $menustyle = @$menustyle ? $menustyle : "popoutmenu"; $parent_level = @$params->get('parent_level') ? intval( $params->get('parent_level') ) : 0; $levels = @$params->get('levels') ? intval( $params->get('levels') ) : 25; $parent_id = @$params->get('parentid') ? intval( $params->get('parentid') ) : 0; $active_menu = @$params->get('active_menu') ? intval( $params->get('active_menu') ) : 0; $hybrid = @$params->get('hybrid') ? intval( $params->get('hybrid') ) : 0; $use_tables = @$params->get('onload_hack') ? intval( $params->get('onload_hack') ) : 0; $editor_hack = @$params->get('editor_hack') ? intval( $params->get('editor_hack') ) : 0; $sub_indicator = @$params->get('sub_indicator') ? intval( $params->get('sub_indicator') ) : 0; //$use_default_parent = @$params->get('usecontent') ? strval( $params->get('usecontent') ) : 0; $my_task = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', 0 ) ); if(($my_task!="edit" || $my_task!="new") && $editor_hack) { $editor_hack=0; } $query = "SELECT * FROM #__swmenu_config WHERE id = ".$id; $database->setQuery( $query ); $new_data = $database->query(); $swmenupro= mysql_fetch_assoc($new_data); if($menu && $id && $menustyle){ global $mosConfig_lang, $mosConfig_mbf_content; $swmenupro_array=array(); $now = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+$mosConfig_offset*60*60 ); if ($mosConfig_shownoauth==2) { $sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) WHERE #__menu.menutype = ".$menu." AND published = 1 ORDER BY parent, ordering "; } else { if ($menu=="swcontentmenu"){ $sql = "SELECT #__sections.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__sections LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.sectionid = AND #__sections.published = 1 AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'section', $mosConfig_lang); } if($use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=" . $result2->id ; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=" . $result2->id ; } $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => 0 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } $sql = "SELECT #__categories.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = AND #__categories.published = 1 AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'category', $mosConfig_lang); } //$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id; if($use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result2->id ; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id ; } $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+1000 , "PARENT" => $result2->section , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } $sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = AND #__content.state = 1 AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'content', $mosConfig_lang); } $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result2->id ; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->catid+1000 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } }else{ $sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) WHERE #__menu.menutype = '".$menu."' AND published = '1' AND access <= '$my->gid' ORDER BY parent, ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); $swmenupro_array=array(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'menu', $mosConfig_lang); } switch ($result2->type) { case 'separator'; //$result2->link = "seperator"; break; case 'url': if (eregi( "index.php\?", $result2->link )) { if (!eregi( "Itemid=", $result2->link )) { $result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id"; } } break; default: $result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id"; break; } //$result2->link = str_replace( '&', '&', $result2->link ); $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->name, "URL" => $result2->link , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => $result2->parent , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => $result2->browserNav ); if ($hybrid){ parse_str($result2->link, $opt); $opt['task'] = @$opt['task'] ? $opt['task']: 0; $opt['id'] = @$opt['id'] ? $opt['id']: 0; if ($opt['task']=="blogcategory" || $opt['task']=="category" ) { //$sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content WHERE #__content.catid=".$opt['id']; $sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = AND #__content.state = 1 AND #__content.catid=".$opt['id']." AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result3 = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result3 as $result4) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang); } $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result4->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result4->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $result4->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result4->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result4->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result4->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result4->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result4->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } } if ($opt['task']=="blogsection" || $opt['task']=="section" ) { //$sql = "SELECT #__categories.* FROM #__categories WHERE #__categories.section=".$opt['id']." AND #__categories.published = 1"; $sql = "SELECT #__categories.*, #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = AND #__categories.section=".$opt['id']." AND #__categories.access <= ".$my->gid." AND #__categories.published = 1 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__categories.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result3 = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result3 as $result4) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang); } if($use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; } // $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result4->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result4->id+1000 , "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $result4->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result4->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result4->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result4->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result4->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result4->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); //$sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content WHERE #__content.catid=".$result4->id." AND #__content.state = 1"; $sql = "SELECT #__content.*, #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = AND #__content.state = 1 AND #__content.catid=".$result4->id." AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result5 = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result5 as $result6) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result6 = MambelFish::translate( $result6, 'content', $mosConfig_lang); } $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result6->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result6->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result6->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result4->id+1000 , "ORDER" => $result6->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result6->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result6->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result6->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result6->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result6->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } } } } } } } $i=0; $menudisplay=0; if (count($swmenupro_array)){ foreach ($swmenupro_array as $row){ if (strcasecmp(substr($swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'],0,4),"http")) { $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] = sefRelToAbs($swmenupro_array[$i]['URL']); } // $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] = str_replace( '&', '&', $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] ); $i++; if (($row['PARENT']==$parent_id )){ $menudisplay=1; } } if ($menudisplay==1){ $ordered = chain('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $swmenupro_array, $parent_id, $levels); } }else{ $ordered = array(); $menudisplay=0; } $option2 = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option', 0 ) ); $id = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); $Item_id = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', 0 ) ); if ($parent_level){ $i=0; $indent=0; $menudisplay=0; $reordered = array(); $parent=1; if (($menu=="swcontentmenu") && ($option2=="com_content") && $id){ $parent_value=$id; }elseif ($menu=="swcontentmenu" ){ $parent=0; }else{ $parent_value=$Itemid; $menudisplay=0; $parent=1; } $id=0; //echo "parent ".$parent_value; while ($parent){ foreach ($ordered as $row){ if (($row['ID']==$parent_value || $row['ID']==$parent_value+1000 || $row['ID']==$parent_value+10000)){ $parent_value = $row['PARENT']; $indent = $row['indent']; $id=$row['ID']; } } if ($indent == $parent_level){ $parent=0; $id=$parent_value; }elseif($indent == $parent_level-1){ $parent=0; //$id=$parent_value; }elseif($indent < $parent_level-1){ $parent=0; if ($parent_level==2 ){ $id = $id; }else{$id=0;} } $i++; if ($i > $levels){$parent=0;} } foreach ($ordered as $row){ if (($row['PARENT']==$id)){ $menudisplay=1; } if (($row['PARENT']==$id-1000)){ $menudisplay=1; } } if ($menudisplay ){ $ordered = chain('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $ordered, $id, $levels); if ($menustyle == "clickmenu"){doClickMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} if ($menustyle == "treemenu"){doTreeMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} if ($menustyle == "popoutmenu"){doPopoutMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} if ($menustyle == "gosumenu" && !$editor_hack){doGosuMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu);} if ($menustyle == "transmenu"){doTransMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu, $sub_indicator, $parent_id);} if ($menustyle == "tabmenu"){doTabMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $parent_id);} if ($menustyle == "flatmenu"){doFlatMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} } }elseif($menudisplay){ if ($menustyle == "clickmenu"){doClickMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} if ($menustyle == "treemenu"){doTreeMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} if ($menustyle == "popoutmenu"){doPopoutMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} if ($menustyle == "gosumenu" && !$editor_hack){doGosuMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu);} if ($menustyle == "transmenu"){doTransMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu, $sub_indicator, $parent_id);} if ($menustyle == "tabmenu"){doTabMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $parent_id);} if ($menustyle == "flatmenu"){doFlatMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);} } } ?>
menutype ? strval( $params->menutype ) : $params->get( 'menutype' ); $menu = @$menu ? $menu: "mainmenu"; $id = @$params->moduleID ? intval( $params->moduleID ) : $params->get( 'moduleID' ); $id = @$id ? $id : 0; $menustyle = @$params->menustyle ? strval( $params->menustyle ) : $params->get( 'menustyle' ); $menustyle = @$menustyle ? $menustyle : "popoutmenu"; $parent_level = @$params->get('parent_level') ? intval( $params->get('parent_level') ) : 0; $levels = @$params->get('levels') ? intval( $params->get('levels') ) : 25; $parent_id = @$params->get('parentid') ? intval( $params->get('parentid') ) : 0; $active_menu = @$params->get('active_menu') ? intval( $params->get('active_menu') ) : 0; $hybrid = @$params->get('hybrid') ? intval( $params->get('hybrid') ) : 0; $use_tables = @$params->get('onload_hack') ? intval( $params->get('onload_hack') ) : 0; $editor_hack = @$params->get('editor_hack') ? intval( $params->get('editor_hack') ) : 0; $sub_indicator = @$params->get('sub_indicator') ? intval( $params->get('sub_indicator') ) : 0; //$use_default_parent = @$params->get('usecontent') ? strval( $params->get('usecontent') ) : 0; $my_task = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', 0 ) ); if(($my_task!="edit" || $my_task!="new") && $editor_hack) { $editor_hack=0; } $query = "SELECT * FROM #__swmenu_config WHERE id = ".$id; $database->setQuery( $query ); $new_data = $database->query(); $swmenupro= mysql_fetch_assoc($new_data); if($menu && $id && $menustyle){ global $mosConfig_lang, $mosConfig_mbf_content; $swmenupro_array=array(); $now = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+$mosConfig_offset*60*60 ); if ($mosConfig_shownoauth==2) { $sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) WHERE #__menu.menutype = ".$menu." AND published = 1 ORDER BY parent, ordering "; } else { if ($menu=="swcontentmenu"){ $sql = "SELECT #__sections.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__sections LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.sectionid = AND #__sections.published = 1 AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'section', $mosConfig_lang); } if($use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=" . $result2->id ; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=" . $result2->id ; } $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => 0 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } $sql = "SELECT #__categories.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = AND #__categories.published = 1 AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'category', $mosConfig_lang); } //$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id; if($use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result2->id ; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id ; } $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+1000 , "PARENT" => $result2->section , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } $sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = AND #__content.state = 1 AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'content', $mosConfig_lang); } $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result2->id ; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->catid+1000 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } }else{ $sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) WHERE #__menu.menutype = '".$menu."' AND published = '1' AND access <= '$my->gid' ORDER BY parent, ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); $swmenupro_array=array(); foreach ($result as $result2) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'menu', $mosConfig_lang); } switch ($result2->type) { case 'separator'; //$result2->link = "seperator"; break; case 'url': if (eregi( "index.php\?", $result2->link )) { if (!eregi( "Itemid=", $result2->link )) { $result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id"; } } break; default: $result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id"; break; } //$result2->link = str_replace( '&', '&', $result2->link ); $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->name, "URL" => $result2->link , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => $result2->parent , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => $result2->browserNav ); if ($hybrid){ parse_str($result2->link, $opt); $opt['task'] = @$opt['task'] ? $opt['task']: 0; $opt['id'] = @$opt['id'] ? $opt['id']: 0; if ($opt['task']=="blogcategory" || $opt['task']=="category" ) { //$sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content WHERE #__content.catid=".$opt['id']; $sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.* FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON ( = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL) INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = AND #__content.state = 1 AND #__content.catid=".$opt['id']." AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid." AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result3 = $database->loadObjectList(); foreach ($result3 as $result4) { if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) { $result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang); } $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result4->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result4->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $result4->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result4->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result4->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result4->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result4->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result4->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 ); } } if ($opt['task']=="blogsection" || $opt['task']=="section" ) { //$sql = "SELECT #__categories.* FROM #__categories WHERE #__categories.section=".$opt['id']." 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Home arrow The Team arrow Jim Broyden
Jim Broyden PDF Print E-mail

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Jimmy "B" Broyden was born April 16, 1965. When he was 6 years old, he knew he wanted to be a stuntman while watching an episode of 'The Six Million Dollar Man'. His first big gag was riding his bike off a 35' cliff into the water below, mimicking Dar Robinson's motorcycle stunt off the aircraft carrier in 'Magnum Force'.

A native of Toronto, he moved to Vancouver in 1991 to pursue his dream and soon met his mentor Bill Ferguson, one of the industry's finest stuntmen, stunt coordinators and 2nd unit directors. Bill took an interest in Jimmy, hiring him as one of two lead stunt doubles in 37 of 50 episodes of 'The Sentinel'. Nine years into his career Bill thought it necessary to teach him the intricacies of stunt coordinating inside and out. Over the past 16 years he has worked on numerous shows such as 'Firewall', 'Elf ', 'Air Bud',' Battlestar Galactica', 'X-Files', 'Star Gate', 'Mysterious Ways' and 'Supernatural'. In July of 2005, Bill offered him the highlight of his career: a pipe roll at 60 mph for the upcoming TV documentary series 'STUNTDAWGS'. He is married to Sandi and they have 7 children. Jimmy feels this is only the beginning - the best it yet to come.